6 Winter Care Tips for Indoor Plants

Winter is a perfect time for gardeners to focus on their indoor plants. Not only is it a great way to keep our green thumbs in shape and brighten our bleaker days, but indoor plants thrive on a little extra tender loving care this time of year. Even if they stay at a consistent temperature all year, indoor plants are still sensitive to the seasons.

As the days grow shorter, indoor plants will slow their growth to rest. Just as many of us need to apply more lotion and lip balm this time of year, indoor plants also notice the dry air, especially once we start up our fireplaces and heaters. For thriving houseplants year-round, a little extra winter care goes a long way.


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1. Hold The Fertilizer

Indoor plants will grow much more slowly if at all during the short days of winter. Under typical conditions, they won’t need fertilizer again until spring. If you think plants are showing signs of nutrient deficiency or you decide you really need to fertilize for any reason, dilute your fertilizer to half the strength you would usually use.


2. Increase the Light

Some indoor plants can tolerate very low light, but most will struggle with the lower light availability in winter. If you can, move plants to south or west facing windowsills so that they can get as much natural light as possible. If needed, you can also supplement with full-spectrum grow lights.


3. Water with Care

Slower growth means that plants aren’t using as much water, but dry air can dry out potting soil fast. Check your plants weekly to see if they need to be watered. The best way is to simply stick your finger all the way down into the soil. If the soil is dry all the way down to your finger-tip, it’s time to water. Water thoroughly, and allow the water to drain completely. Make sure to empty saucers underneath your plants if they collect excess water.


4. Turn up the Humidity

Indoor plants can easily become stressed because of dry air in the winter, especially when heaters and fireplaces are going, and this can lead to problems with pests and diseases. The easiest way to increase the humidity around your indoor plants is to place a shallow tray filled with gravel and a small amount of water underneath your plants. The water should be below the level of the gravel so that your plant isn’t sitting in the water. The gradual evaporation will go a long way towards keeping your indoor plants happy and healthy.


5. Time for a Bath

Indoor plants tend to collect dust over time, and it can inhibit their ability to photosynthesize. This is a great time to give your indoor plants an extra thorough cleaning and check for any warning signs of pests or diseases. Most indoor plants can simply we wiped down lightly with a damp cloth.


6. Down to the Details

If you haven’t had a chance to research your particular plants and their specific needs, winter is a good time to catch up on some reading or web surfing, or to visit our knowledgeable staff in Sky Nursery’s Indoor Gardening department. While following these tips will help most indoor plants thrive, each species has its own unique preferences and needs. If you need help identifying your plants or understanding how to care for them best in the winter, we’re always here to help.